This page contains useful material for developers to integrate with WeXL.
Who Is This For
This page is useful for software vendors like School ERP providers who want to integrate with WeXL and leverage an eco-system and be part of awesome community.
This document is intended for developers who want to integrate various pieces of functionality with WeXL. WeXL provides a set of REST APIs for managing users (students, teachers) and sections. WeXL also provides a set of web hooks for notifying various useful events happening in the system.
We have four kind of users in our system who are very obvious in definition:
Org Admins (aka School Admins) - Administrators who can manage users and create other user accounts
WeXL provides authentication service for various users in the system. But, if your system already does authentication and you want to leverage those credentials, WeXL makes it possible.
Your system authenticates the student (or teacher)
You create a JWT Token and makes an API call to WeXL
WeXL validates the token based on pre-configured, mutually agreed secret key and picks up the "sub" (subject) that is mapped to WeXL username
WeXL returns back with an access token as part of the response
Web hooks
You can register a web hook so that you can be notified whenever main stream activities like “Practice Completed” or “Test Completed” are performed on WeXL.
Contact WeXL development team for detailed instructions on the API calls and Web hooks
Last updated
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